Have you ever wanted to learn how to make cards? Or are you an experienced card maker or crafter who would like to get together with like minded people and craft? I'm offering 2 more stamp-a-stack classes in May and June and would love to have you come along.
A Stamp-a-stack is a class where you make and take 8 cards. You don't need to have experience or have your own materials. I provide everything - instruction, designs, materials and refreshments. Classes are small, and are held in my home - so it's a nice relaxed environment. The cost is $25 for the class and is all inclusive.
My next classes will be on Saturday May 26, 9.30am - 11.30am and Saturday June 23, 9.30am - 11.30am. There are two ways you can register. Email me at info@sallycancraft.com or check out my new class widget to the right - and register directly here. You can pay by paypal right away or pay cash on the day.
Hope to see you there.
Happy crafting.
A Stamp-a-stack is a class where you make and take 8 cards. You don't need to have experience or have your own materials. I provide everything - instruction, designs, materials and refreshments. Classes are small, and are held in my home - so it's a nice relaxed environment. The cost is $25 for the class and is all inclusive.
My next classes will be on Saturday May 26, 9.30am - 11.30am and Saturday June 23, 9.30am - 11.30am. There are two ways you can register. Email me at info@sallycancraft.com or check out my new class widget to the right - and register directly here. You can pay by paypal right away or pay cash on the day.
Hope to see you there.
Happy crafting.
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